Bringing love, healing and freedom to the community through Jesus Christ

The Bible is God’s inspired message to humanity. It is completely trustworthy.  The Scriptures are the supreme authority for what we believe and how we are to live.

We are sinners through deliberate, unintentional and passive disobedience, as a consequence of Adam’s original sin. Therefore, we are separated from God, who is loving, perfect and holy. Our relationship with God is unable to be restored by our own achievements or good works.

In love, God sent His own son Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, fully God and fully man. Jesus lived a sinless life, fully revealing the Father to us. His death on the cross and physical resurrection defeated the power of Satan and conquered sin and death. Jesus has done everything necessary for God to forgive our sins and by grace allows us to come into a right relationship with the Father to become adopted members of His family. We receive God’s gift of salvation by trusting in Jesus, repenting of our sin and following Him.

God through the Holy Spirit lives within us, convicting us of sin and drawing us to God from a life of self-centredness. He equips us with spiritual gifts, empowers us for spiritual growth and gives us authority to preach the Gospel. We are called to love God and our neighbour, to make disciples of all nations, to heal the sick and deliver people from the power of Satan.

The Church is made up of all who belong to Jesus Christ through faith, worshipping and serving Him in unity through local congregations of God’s people everywhere. We are called to celebrate and share in the sacraments of baptism and communion.

The Lord Jesus Christ will return personally at God’s appointed time in power and glory to bring justice to all. There will be a final resurrection and judgement of all. Those who have rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ will face eternal separation from God in hell. Believers will enter into God’s presence and enjoy Him forever in His Heavenly Kingdom.